Saturday, October 29, 2005

Guest Blogger: RobinMSW

Hey folks, I was so pleased to bet a story from my colleague RobinMSW that I'm promoting her to guest blogger!

Here's what RobinMSW said in her comment:

I am proud to leave the quote of the day. "Judge Hirsch [actor from tv show 'Taxi'] is the devil." I will leave it to all of you to judge the accuracy of that one! Granted, this is from the same guy who said "Tom Brady [football player, I think he's Pats quarterback or something] told me he went to NY and one of the guys on Saturday Night Live told him to have sex with a dog. He didn't do it, but he did go back to NY and that time he did have sex with a dog." "Tom Brady told you that?" "Yes." "Why do you think all these celebrities talk to you?" (He had mentioned others such as The Rock, Morgan Freeman, Tyler Perry, etc.) "Because I'm the god of love and the god of movies." (Duh)


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